While many companies will have a template when they prepare a Location Agreement, these template typically benefit the company. As a property owner, it is important to protect your interests. This can include ensuring that the company has sufficient and acceptable insurance policies for the property during the duration of the film and/or photo shoot, that any damage caused to the property is repaired or the property owner is otherwise sufficiently compensated and that the property owner is reimbursed for any re-takes or re-shoots that occur after the initial film and/or photo shoot session.

Likewise, a company entering into a Location Agreement based on a property owner’s template will want to ensure that their rights are protected. They will want to ensure that they own sufficient intellectual property rights of the property in connection with their photo and/or film shoot and any publication thereof. They will also want to ensure that they have sufficient time and access to the property to complete the photo and/or film shoot within budget.

An experienced commercial real estate attorney can ensure that their client will be protected in any such Location Agreement.

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